Abuse of the drug may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence. The following drugs are listed as Schedule 2 (II) Drugs* by the Controlled Substances Act (CSA): The Controlled Substances Act (CSA) schedule information displayed applies to substances regulated under federal law. The Foundations Recovery Network sights the Controlled Substances Act to explain why some medications are controlled substances and some aren’t. In accordance with this act, the government.
Non-controlled and over-the-counter drugs of abuse March 23, 2015, 10:41 pm. Abuse of Medications That Theoretically Are Without Abuse Potential. The following is a list of the most commonly encountered drugs currently controlled under the misuse of drugs legislation showing their respective classifications under both the Misuse of Drugs.
• • • • • • • • • When your medicines are no longer needed, they should be disposed of promptly. Consumers and caregivers should remove expired, unwanted, or unused medicines from their home as quickly as possible to help reduce the chance that others accidentally take or intentionally misuse the unneeded medicine, and to help reduce drugs from entering the environment. Below, we list some options and special instructions for you to consider when disposing of expired, unwanted, or unused medicines. Your best choices for disposal of unused or expired medicines are: • Medicine take-back options, • Disposal in the household trash and • More information on each of these options is available below.
(PDF-2.1MB) Consumers and caregivers should remove expired or unused medicines from their home as quickly as possible to help reduce the chance that others may accidentally take or intentionally misuse the unneeded medicine. Medicine take-back options are the preferred way to safely dispose of most types of unneeded medicines. There are generally two kinds of take-back options: periodic events and permanent collection sites. Periodic events The periodically hosts events where temporary collection sites are set up in communities nationwide for safe disposal of prescription drugs. It should be noted, however, that a small number of medicines have specific directions to them down the toilet when they are no longer needed and a take-back option is not readily available. Local law enforcement agencies may also sponsor medicine take-back events in your community. Consumers can also contact their local waste management authorities to learn about events in their area.
Permanent collection sites Another option for consumers and long-term care facilities to dispose of unneeded medicines is to transfer these medicines to, which safely and securely collect and dispose of pharmaceuticals containing controlled substances and other medicines. In your community, authorized permanent collection sites may be in retail pharmacies, hospital or clinic pharmacies, and law enforcement facilities. Some authorized collection sites may also offer mail-back programs or collection receptacles, sometimes called “drop-boxes,” to assist consumers in safely disposing of their unused medicines. Consumers can visit the for more information about drug disposal, and to locate a in their area.