Gta Iv Smpa60

Error critico gta iv smpa60
  1. Gta Iv Smpa60 Error Fix
  2. Gta Iv Fatal Error Smpa60
  3. Error Critico Gta Iv Smpa60
  4. Gta Iv Pc

Gta Iv Smpa60 Error Fix

Hopefully, I will eventually fix this and be able to download and play GTA 4 with the rest of the GTA 4 mod world. Mainly because I want to drift, use the super spawner, and drive the worlds fastest cars in GTA 4. Your Blog Description here! Denie Blog: GTA SA GTA IV Home; Drop menu. Menu 1; Menu 2; Menu 3; Menu 4; Menu 5; Drop menu 2. GTA IV for PC is crashing and the error message says 'GTA IV FATAL ERROR: Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game.' The title of the error dialogue box is 'GTA.

I've been playing GTA IV for the past week, it's been perfect. However there is a mission in which it keeps crashing on stopping me from progressing in the game. I'm on version I've tried the latest version and it still crashes. I've even reinstalled the game, still crashes.

If I attempt other missions there is no crash, it's just the ONE mission which keeps crashing or freezing. I'm on the stage 'undertaker' in which you go to a funeral & must drive Packie's brother to the cemetery only I can never get there since it keeps crashing! It could crash within a few seconds of the mission or a few minutes in the mission, I can never get past the bridge, it usually crashes in this part of the mission. This is the following error message I reveive: GTA IV FATAL ERROR: SMPA60 This error is usually related to a problem with a mod/s.

However as I already mentioned the mission will continue to crash with/without mods. My drivers are all upto date and I've tried everything. My 2 solutions are either to skip the mission (wish I could) or somehow stop the crashing/error.

I cannot understand why the one mission keeps crashing. Anyone have any solutions?

Gta iv smpa60 error fix

Just tried this game again (not played for months), and don't know whats happened, but im now able to run with the Shadow Quality fully maxed out as well, and at a higher res. Used to run it at 1680x1050 with these settings:- Texture Quality = High Reflections Quality = Very High Water Quality = Very High Shadow Quality High Night Shadows = Very High Anisotropic = x16 View Distance = 30 Detail Distance = 100 Vehicle Density = 100 Definition = On. As when tried with the Shadow Quality also on Very High, the frame-rate used to plummet for some reason. Im now on 1920x1080, with the same settings as above, except just tried the Shadow Quality on Very High again, and there is absolutely no difference to performance, its still absolutely belting along. Yeah, the game can be strange at times & randomly crash, even when freshly reinstalled with no mods.

Gta Iv Fatal Error Smpa60

Then again you could play for hours and not get a crash. I'm now running several different mods and have over 100 modified custom made cars installed. Also running the ENB mod as well as Visual IV mod & a 4.2gb high texture pack. GTA IV is around 18Gb in size now. When comparing the graphics in GTA IV on the pc compared to the ps3 I just laugh, no comparison. It's like comparing Half-Life 1998 to Half-Life 2.

If anyone here uses GTA IV mods, which ones do you use and why? I have 2 or 3 different ones, but neither are perfect. One may look great during the day but too dark at night. The other may be slightly dark during the day but too bright at night.

The 2 BEST ones I've tried are the ' Photorealistic' 7 & 8 mods by Niggbert. Both look great. On top of this there are other custom made enb settings, all of which are different, different shaders, textures & enb setups/weather/time cycles. There are so many different ones you think which one to use? There are minor problems with each one, it's difficult to get the visuals exactly the way you want them. One mod may look great but the night sky looks crap or the clouds look meh whereas the other mod looks great at night, has great clouds but the visuals lack detail in another aspect. The most current mod I'm using is the 'Photorealistic 8' mod.

Error Critico Gta Iv Smpa60

It's almost perfect only the clouds are ugly and the buildings/cars look slightly oversharpened, there is slight funny colours and sometimes flickering, some buildings that are far away appear white. So what mods/ settings do you use to perfect the look of your GTA IV?

Gta Iv Pc

Try to include: Enb series & settings used Mod (Example photorealistic 8 mod) Textures Road Textures Visuals.